Breadth First Search
Dan Words: FInds it by going wide
- Expand root node first
- Expand all nodes at level 1 before expanding level 2 OR
- Expand all nodes at level d before expanding nodes at level d+1
Queuing function: Adds nodes to the End of the queue
Searches - Implementation
Three types of nodes during the search in tree search
- Fringe nodes (open nodes, leaves) in the queue
- Have been discovered
- Have not yet been processed
- Children not yet explored; not yet tested if they are goal
- Visited nodes (closed nodes)
- have been discovered and processed
- Nodes explored; tested if they match goal
- have been discovered and processed
- Undiscovered nodes
- Have not yet been discovered
Evaluating a Search
- Completeness
- Guaranteed to find a solution if one exists
- Time Complexity
- How long does it take to find solution
- Number of nodes in the tree in the worst case
- Space Complexity
- How much memory required to perform the search
- Number of nodes in the tree
- Optimality
- Find the optimal solution
Depth First Search
Dan Words: Finds it by going narrow, and finding route, then reversing back
Taught in 22.03.08 - Heuristic Search but fits into this topic area
Expand root node first Explore one branch before exploring another branch Queuing function: adds nodes to the front of the queue
Space Complexity - Store the path from the root to the leaf node as well as the expanded neighbour nodes Time Complexity - in the worst case Completeness - Infinite branch, never terminate if no goal state exist in that branch Optimality - Finds a solution: Is there a better solution at a lower lever?
Uniform Cost Search (vs. BFS)
BFS: finds the path SAG (of a cost of 11) UCS: finds the cheaper solution (SBG). It finds SAG but doesn't expand it, as it is not the cheapest queue.
- Total cost of the path from the root to node n (under consideration)
- Always remove the smallest cost node first
Return General-Search(problem, ENQUEUE-BY-COST)
BFS - Optimality | Only if the branch costs are the same UCS - Optimality | Even branch costs are different Both have a completeness of Systematically search the whole tree(worst case) and both have for time and space complexity