3. Coursework - Connect 4
Run the Haskell code as ghc -02 connect4.ls
The Board
rows = 6
cols = 7
win = 4
depth = 6 --search depth
type Board = [Row]
type Row = [Player]
data Player = O | B | X deriving (Ord, Eq, Show) -- Gives class instances for free
What is deriving?
class Eq a where
(==) :: a -> a -> Bool--infix operator. True if =, false if not
(/=) :: a -> a -> Bool--Not equal, true if not equal
x /= y = not (x == y)
Class is a collection of related types
What happens when you do deriving eq
instance Eq Player where
O == O = True
B == B = True
X == X = True
_ == _ = False
- Ordering of values on type. Is dependent on the order you write the constructors.
- Displays the requested item
Game Trees
Essence in writing a strong computer player for connect 4.
Can have up to a million boards
Strategy (minimax)
- Produce the game tree to specified depth
- Label each leaf with winner, or Blank if game not over or draw
- Then work up the tree(propagate)
- If O to play, take min of children. (O<B<X)
- If X to play, take max of children (O<B<X)
- Best move is one with same label as root