1. OO and Java Programming Refresher (1)
Basic OO Concepts
- Abstraction: Simple things like objects represent more complex underlying code and data
- Encapsulation: The ability to protect some components of the object from external access
- Inheritance: The ability for a class to extend or override functionality of another class
- Polymorphism: The provision of a single interface to entities of different types
- Compile time polymorphism: Method overloading
- Run time polymorphism: Method overriding
- Hiding the implementation details of a class (all fields and helper methods private)
- Helps with program maintenance: a change in one class does not affect other classes
- A client of a class interacts with the class only through well-documented public constructors and methods; this facilitates team development
- Refers to the implicit parameter inside the class
- Constructors of a class can call each other using the keyword "this" (this can avoid code duplicating)
- Constructors are invoked using the operator new.
- Parameters passed to "new" must match the number, types and order of parameters expected by one of the constructors
Passing Data
- Passing by value: Copying of data, where changes to the copied value are not reflected in the original value
- Passing by reference: aliasing of data, where changes to the aliased value are reflected in the original value
- Value associated with an object is actually a pointer, called an object reference. These are passed by value
Overloaded Methods
- Methods of the same class that have the same name but different numbers or types of parameters are called overloaded methods
- Compiler treats these as completely different methods
- The compiler knows which one to call based on the number and the types of the parameters passed to the method
- The return type alone is not sufficient for making a distinction between overloaded methods
Static Fields
- Static field (class field or variable): is shared by all objects of the class. Normally stored with class code, separately from instance variables
- Non-static field (instance field or instance variable): belongs to an individual object.
- Usually static fields are NOT initialised in constructors; either in declarations or in public static methods or just use their default value.
- If a class has only static fields, there is no point in creating objects of that class, all of them would be identical.
Static Methods
- Can access and manipulate class's statics fields. Belong to the class, not an instance of it.
- Static methods cannot access instance fields or call methods of the class; instance methods can access all fields and call all methods of their class - both static and non static
- Usually take input from the parameters, then return some value