Basic CUI Design Principles
Very important for coursework
- Prompt design
- Context tracking
- Personalisation
- Error Handling
- Confirmation
- Discoverability
Conversational Design
- One shot interaction vs. multiple turns
- Smart speakers are one shot - requires a wake word to explicitly invoke the interaction
- Conversational - Use of prompt design, mean the developers design of the system response.
- These are called conversational markers
- Good prompt design makes use of conversational markers (and other things)
Dont expect chatbot (cw) to be like this
Conversational Design
- Provide clear, actionable promopts
- Be concise, speech is ephemeral
- Help the user understand what they can do
- Help the user recover from errors
CUI Design Process and Tools
Expected to use in CW Support process from early concept to fully working prototype
Sample Dialog between CUI and user
- Avoids writing prompts in isolation, which can lead to stited user experience
- Pick 5 most common use cases (3 for cw) for your CUI
- Start with "blue sky" best path dialogs
- Also write for when things go wrong, focus on recovery
- Can be useful to illustrate early concept to stakeholders
- Can be enacted in a table read with another person, good way to improve your wording
- Good CUIs use clear language; it can take time to get this right!
Use visual mockups, flow diagrams
- Getting the user to confirm an action
- Over-confirmation can be a problem
- Considerations for choosing a confirmation strategy ...
- Explicitly confirmation - Requires the user to take another turn to explicitly confirm
- Implicit confirmation - Does not require the user to say anything else
- Three-tiered confidence
- Implicit confirmation
- Nonspeech confirmation
- Generic confirmation
- Visual Confirmation
- .....
Error Handling
- Reprompt is the traditional response if user was not heard or understood.
- Silence can work in much the same way as a repromt
- Silence in human conversations in sign of trouble
Kind of errors
- No speech detected
- Speech detected, but nothing recognized
- Something was recognized incorrectly
- Something was recognized but the system does the wrong thing with it
- No speech detected
- Speech detected, nothing recognized. Call it out explicitly to repeat question
- Something was recognized incorrectly
- Heard correctly, but does the wrong thing with it