Amortised Cost
Incremental Strategy Analysis
- Amortized time of a push operation
Doubling Strategy Analysis
- Amortized time of a single push operation
Often sort objects according to some comparison function. Equal with respect to the desired ordering, but not necessarily that they have the same contents
Master Theorem
Case 1: with . Therefore:
Case 2: with . Therefore:
Case 3: with . Therefore:
Bubble & Selection-Sort
void bubbleSort(int arr[]){
int i,j,temp;
for(i = arra.length-1; i>-; i--){
for(j = 0; j<i;j++){
temp = array[j];
arr[j] = arr[j+1];
arr[j+1] = temp;
void selectionSort(int arr[]){
int i, j, temp, pos_greatest;
for(i = arr.length-1; i>0; i--){
pos_greatest = 0;
for(j = 0; j<i;j++){
if(arr[j] >= arr[pos_greatest])
pos_greatest = j;
if (i != pos_greatest) {
temp = arr[i];
arr[i] = arr[pos_greatest];
arr[pos_greatest] = temp;
Complexity is
Insertion Sort
void insertionSort(int arr[]){
for(int j=1; j<arr.length; j++){
int temp = arr[j];
int i = j;
while(i>0 && arr[i-1] > temp){
arr[i] = arr[i-1]
arr[i] = temp;
Complexity is
divide A into left L and right R arrays
Complexity is
Quick Sort
p = pivot(A)
(L,R) = partition(A,p)
Complexity is
MST - Minimum spanning sub-graph that is, a subset of the edges that is connected and that contains every node. Do not confuse a minimum TREE with a minimum shortest PATH
Prim's Algo
- Start by picking any vertex M
- Choose the shortest edge from M to any other vertex N
- Add edge (M,N) to the MST
- Loop:
- Continue to add at every step a shortest edge from a vertex in the “MST so far” to a vertex outside, until all vertices are in the MST
- (If there are multiple shortest edges, then can take any arbitrary one)
How is this optimal?
- Let G be a weighted connected graph, and
- let V1 and V2 be a partition of the vertices of G into two disjoint non-empty sets
- Furthermore, let e be an edge with minimum weight from among those with one endpoint in V1 and the other in V2
- There is an MST that has e as one of its edges
- Can add edge e to T and remove some other edge between V1 and V2 and obtain a better MST
- Algorithm adds a minimum weight edge between V1 and V2, and so this edge must be part of some MST.
Change Giving
Input: x[0],…,x[n-1] and K
Initialise: Y[0] = 0, // as can give a change of 0, with 0 coins and Y[m] = -1
for (i=0 ; i<n; i++) { //consider effect of x[i]
for (m=K-x[i] ; m>=0 ; m--) { // scan array
if (Y[m] >= 0 ) { // value m was achievable with x[0]…x[i-1] using Y[m] coins,
// so, m+x[i] is now achievable with Y[m]+1 coins
// but might already have found a better answer
// stored as Y[m + x[i] ] so then take the best
if (Y[m + x[i] ] == -1 )
Y[ m + x[i] ] = Y[m]+1
Y[ m + x[i] ] = min( Y[m + x[i] ] , Y[m]+1 )
PriorityQueue PQ = new PriorityQueue();
PQ.add( start node s )
while (! PQ.isempty()){ u = PQ.dequeue();
if ( u == target ) return dist[u];
for(each v adjacent to u){
add v to the PQ if not present and not already closed, else update the distance using
if(dist[v] > (dist[u]+weight(u,v)){
dist[v] = (dist[u]+weight(u,v));
} add u to list of closed nodes PQ.reorder(); // because some distances changed } return INFINITY; // no path to target
Complexity =
foreach k = 1, … (so “foreach nk ∈ V”)
foreach i ∈ V
foreach j ∈ V
d(i,j,k+1) = min( d(i,j,k), d(i,k+1,k) + d(k+1,j,k) )
Complexity =